Thursday, May 6, 2010

Long time no see..

Well it's been a while since the last posting. And I see that the last thing I wrote about was our move.

Since then we have been busy fighting the struggles of finding somewhere to live from July (when we are kicked out of this place, since the contract was only for 6 months). Lund is a very hard place to find apartments for rent in, I tell you that! So we decided to go for a "bostadsrätt", buying one. Easier said than done. Banking.. deciding what we like.. bidding.. winning.........

We have been bidding on a few different apartments without much luck. It has been nerve-wrecking at times.. BUT.. As of this evening we have won the bidding of the apartment we have come to really like and we have now signed the contract!! Whoop whoop! We now just need to cough up the cash and we can move in June 15th.

God really does hear our hearts desires and blesses us when we turn to Him..

Love you all,