Monday, April 4, 2011

Life as we knew it changed over 5 minutes..

Who whould think that peeing in a cup, dipping a stick and waiting for 5 minutes could change our lives as we know it for ever?

- One cold evening, more specifically on january 31st, it was time to take the test. I had been feeling a little different the past few days and my period was late. It had been late before though and I didn't want to get my hopes up just yet. Two lines.
- The next morning, Febuary 1st. Two lines.
- Two mornings later, Febuary 3rd. Yet another test with two lines. Hmm. Two lines all three times... Didn't believe it at first. It took three tests for us to actually realise it :)

Yes, the tests came back positive! We are going to be parents! Whoop whoop!
